In order to use the Monheim-Pass minors need the consent of their parents or legal guardians. They decide whether and to what extent the underage users may utilise their Monheim-Pass. Monheim-Pass offers the same functionality for both, minors and adults, including the planned payment function. Underage children and teenagers must be registered for Monheim-Pass by their parents or legal guardians. As of the age of 16 they need to identify with a valid photo ID. In order to use the Monheim-Ticket in public transport they must identify as of the age of 6 years (e. g. student photo ID ("Schülerausweis"). When using the Services the usual legal regulations apply as well as the terms and conditions of any third-party partners. The city of Monheim am Rhein contacts everyone not yet having received a Monheim-Pass around the time of their 18th birthday. The letter contains a Monheim-Pass-Karte, which simply needs to be activated if so desired.